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My journey began in my early twenties when I started to notice intermittent changes in my balance and the gradual onset of urinary difficulties. As the years went on, my struggles began to intensify and impede my quality of life. Severe pain, difficulty walking, standing and sitting became my new normal. I had countless visits to medical professionals, all of whom were unable to identify the underlying issue, thus placing my symptoms in the realm of mental impairment. It was only after my sibling's MS diagnosis that I was able to target my approach to seek out inevitable diagnosis for myself.  In 2008, when my wife was pregnant with our second child, I received the bittersweet diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis. The next seven years included: five disease modifying therapeutic pharmaceuticals, countless injections, intravenous medications, a barrage of easily accessible ineffective narcotics, three trips out of country for controversial medical procedures, countless side effects, one adverse reaction requiring immediate medical attention, three inaccurate terminal diagnoses, complete loss of bladder function, rapid increase in disability, severe depression, hospitalizations and a severely diminished quality of life. My condition was upgraded to Primary Progressive MS in 2014. In 2015, I was rushed to the hospital where they provided me with a secondary diagnosis of Crohn's Disease along with the discovery of six pulmonary nodules. Having already exceeded the maximum yearly dose of steroid pulse therapy and knowing that there was no current effective treatment for my condition, I decided to take my health into my own hands and began Medical Cannabis treatment. Within three months, urinary function had returned, I was catheter free, I was able to cancel the installation of disability aids in my home, my pain had disappeared, and I was beginning to notice a reversal of many of my symptoms. The following year involved intense study, completion of targeted professional courses and a return to a better semblance of myself. Through my journey, I have come to realize that my purpose in life is to help raise quality of life for others. Through compassion, care and kindness, we can help you take control of your health and well-being in promotion of a better quality of life. I founded Nuvomedic to help others discover a path to wellness, and to provide educational services geared towards eliminating the stigmatization of Medical Cannabis therapy. Together, we can overcome the many barriers to care. - Jamie Novotny 

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